Finding Balance (Triggered to Find Your Power Part II)

The last few days I have been getting the message BALANCE. This is a key to the twin flame dynamic and why I wrote my last post about “Triggered to Find Your Power.” When twin flames come together, it is the feminine energy that must find their balance first. The masculine is going to trigger you all over the place. … Read More

Are You Being Triggered to Find Your Power? (Part I)

Since the end of last year many feminine twins have been having their deepest fears triggered by their twin flame. In some cases, over and over again. There is a higher purpose behind this and it’s actually about coming together. In order for twin flames to come together, they must detach from each other. This can be hard, especially for … Read More

Twin Flames Together~Chicago

Join me, Marla Kelly, and Dio Vesselinov, Keleena Malnar, Debbie DuBoise, Naglaa El Shamy and Terri Wilson for a 3 day event of shifting vibrations! This is a workshop for anyone on the path of Ascension but specifically for those traveling the path through the twin flame or divine partnership template. There are no structured lectures as this workshop will … Read More

Asteroid Oracle June 1, 2017

Normally when I do these updates, I list the aspect that I am focusing on in the title but today, and into this weekend, is the the energy of what I call a cluster f*ck. To be specific, a cluster f*ck is when we have many planets and points aspecting each other in the chart. We have Venus and Uranus … Read More