I have been guided to create this channeled mediation for the activation of divine union frequencies.  This activation is meant to shift you away from separation fears that can hold you in ego and 3d frequencies and into higher 5d frequencies of the heart. 

How this can help you:

~Shift separation consciousness and the pain around it.

~Bring you into your heart

~Help release ego defenses and karma

~Move through triggers more rapidly

~Come into a state of balance

~Raise your vibration

~Align you with surrender

Here is some feedback from some of my clients:

“The divine union activation is really powerful. It’s been a game changer in my relationship with my twin flame. During the meditation you can experience union with your twin and that in itself is blissful but I’ve also experienced noticeable changes with my twin in the physical. There’s been less triggering and we’ve been more open to each other. Our connection is much more balanced. For a while I couldn’t feel my twins energy but after Marla did this meditation with me, his energy came back.  Thank you so much Marla for sharing this meditation.”

“Can’t thank you enough for the time you gave me and the beautiful meditation. It was exactly what I needed!!! I have slept better in the last 2 nights than I have in years. I know that it was the meditation you did with me. I feel so much more peaceful. You have been an angel for me Marla.”

“ With so much happening multidimensionally, all over the universe, as the future and the past interact everywhere with our karmas, missions, awakenings, past lives, future and the construction of earth’s new reality, sometimes we get caught up in the negative emotions when it comes to our twin, soulmates, or any other divine relationship. We are all incarnated here after all. It was never supposed to be easy right, it takes WORK. I’ve been doing Marla’s divine union activation meditation everyday since she shared it with me, and I’ve been able to keep most of my conscious and unconscious energy in my heart space. The people in my life said my facial expression looks more peaceful. We are all one. Marla’s divine union meditation is the perfect daily reminder of how we are all already in union to all the lovers out there.”

“Thank you so much for the deep reading and above all for the Divine Union Meditation which I did on 11/11. I think is celestial! I listened to it twice by now and woke up this morning seeing literally hearts flowing out of my heart to my TFs heart even though we are separated at the moment by continents … it felt like a radio station tuning in on the same frequency…“

“Wow again!! After I listened to the meditation overnight, I  bumped to my twin twice today. Even though we are not communicating in 3D.. When I saw him the second time he was a little bit surprised.”

It’s the trigger of 3d separation that keeps many twin flames in pain but when we really begin to believe that separation doesn’t really exist, it frees us from having that pain taint all of our experience.

You can purchase the meditation thru the link for $11.11. Thank you!

2 Comments on “Activation for Divine Union”

  1. Hi Marla! I’ve been following your work on youtube and I’m very Interested in acquiring the Activation for Divine Union meditation and the iN2it deck as I’m currently going through separation with my SOUL MATE. So I’m wondering if this this tools could be useful for any kind of sacred union like my own? or if they’re only exclusive for TWIN FLAME unions?

    1. Hi Sandra. The Activation and iN2It Oracle are designed specifically for those in separation and they can absolutely be used for soul mates as well as tin flames. Thanks for your support!

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