The divine masculine is going through their healing process and the feminine must surrender to that. There is nothing the feminine can say or do that will shift the masculine at this time. It’s their journey and they have to walk this path alone. Twin flames do not rescue each other because they are not codependent.
The more the feminine tries to help or tries to seek validation from the DM, the more the masculine will push away. This is confusing to the DF but on a soul level the DM know they’re on a solitary journey. They will find their own way home.
Detach, detach, detach and surrender.
There is no longer anything to hold on to. The feminine is keenly aware of this now. They will be forced back towards self over and over again if they resist.
We often focus so much on the divine feminine/goddess energies that we forget about the god energy of the divine masculine. Personally, I work very closely with the goddess energy because my mission is to help bring the feminine into balance, just like many of you, but today I had a very close connection with divine masculine energy.
I needed that reminder and it reflected some of the major healing I have done that is creating inner balance. I was able to experience not only the strength and wisdom of the masculine but also the loving and compassionate side.
Do not think of the masculine as weak or incompetent. They are doing an incredible job of raising vibrations and together great strides are being made for both. They deserve our praise despite what you maybe experiencing in 3d interactions.
Twin flames are an energetic connection that is never separated. Over the last few years, while the divine feminine energy was rising, the masculine held the space for them. Now that the masculine is rising, the feminine is asked to hold space for them. If the masculine and feminine are both going through a rough time you can image how that will affect the combined energy. So if you want to help your twin, focus on staying balanced in your energy.
Luckily, I am seeing exactly that in many twins holding the DF energy. They will become stronger and stronger in their ability to balance as we lead up to the fall equinox. Triggers and purging are quickly overcome. Healing is fast and efficient.
Mission is the main focus of the feminine at this phase. New projects and ideas are creating excitement. Even though the future is not clear, as I stated yesterday, more and more the pieces of the puzzle are lining up.
Though it may feel like you are miles apart, you are actually working side by side. Don’t let your ego tell you otherwise. You each have your own role but it’s all part of the bigger play.
3 Comments on “All That Is Left Is Surrender”
The longing unbearable so often, ‘trying to understand’ doesn’t help anymore. Your texts do, always spot on and comforting, thank you so much again! Love Judith
Felt very comforting after reading this. You always put is so sensibly. And even though I have only recently started to follow you, I can feel your predictions are coming out to be true. Because each twin flame journey is unique, your readings resonates with me and my journey. I hope the DM do awaken and as you said they are, I did get a message from universe where I felt my DM is realizing that he has caused me grief and could have done better. That in itself is a very very soothing feeling although my DM is still in a 3D vibration. Thank you Marla.
Thank you. Each one is unique and yet we hold a collective energy. Many blessings.