This is part 2 of Angie’s at Twinfinity’s QHHT session with Marla Kelly at Twinstrology; the past life regression where Angie experienced a life with her twin flame Rob. While it was not an easy life, there were so many wonderful lessons and much healing came from remembering and re-experiencing the life.
The session is a great demonstration of:
~the previous lives we often have with our twin flame,
~the multidimensional love and connection we share with our TF,
~the healing and clearing required for union in this life,
~the effectiveness of regression therapy to assist in the healing process,
~the divine love we all come from and are connected to.
If you haven’t seen part 1 of the QHHT session, we highly recommend that you do (link is below). A great deal of insightful and profound information came through for the twin flame collective and all light workers.
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