November and December see many illusions falling from your eyes. There is a push to get to the truth but it isn’t going to be easy. The week of November 22-28, looks challenging in that there will be confrontation with fears, yet your faith is restored. Mercury conjuncts Saturn and sextile Jupiter, while at the same time, Venus conjuncts Pluto and both square Jupiter.
Expect shifting and releasing this week. Emotions will be running high and tears are possible. As Mercury conjuncts Saturn, you may find you are examining beliefs that are preventing you from fully opening to the spiritual being you are and to the other dimensions that are really accessible to you. Now Neptune is direct, more peoples third eyes are going to awaken allowing them to see the bigger picture. This will be supported by the Sun who is now in Sagittarius, sign of your beliefs.
Saturn has been square the Moons Nodes for a while making you feel your restrictions. Your higher self is calling you to shift away from South Node people and situations, so you can move towards your life path, but you’re afraid. This is where you are restricted. Now Mercury conjuncts Saturn and it is really going to “click” mentally what exactly these restrictions are and how you need to get past them. This is especially true for those twin flames that are still very much in the awakening process.
Saturn and Mercury meet up on 16 degrees Sagittarius, the Sabian is “An Easter sunrise service draws a large crowd.” Something is dying but out of that death comes a resurrection. The Sabian shows we are going through a rebirth as a community. It’s a sign for us to have faith in things we have never seen before and that do not seem possible. Feelings of loss are also possible as certain aspects of self and the past are leaving but this is just making room for the rebirth. If you watched my Neptune video, you’ll recall that I have been given a message that something is coming back into your life.
Luckily, the aspects with Jupiter are helping to bring in more faith. You are ready to let go of these things because you know that the sky is the limit. Jupiter can give you the strength to continue forward with your transformation. The energy of Jupiter square Pluto can help you realize that even the darkness, or the shadow, is a gift. A gift that enabled your transformation. You’ll see your own strength and beauty and what you know have to offer to others.
Jupiter and Pluto are joined by Venus on the 24th. Purging is likely has some of the old fears are triggered. You want that love so bad and yet you haven’t released all your fears around actually receiving that love. This can be exacerbated by telepathy between twin flames so keep yourself balanced. I’m feeling this will cause some form of transformation in unions. Perhaps the realization from Mercury and Saturn will have you seeing something in a new way. The Sabian for Pluto and Venus is “School grounds filled with boys and girls in gymnasium suits.” The masculine and feminine, filled with energy and ready to take action. There is a lot of energy and sexual tension being created with this aspect but it’s somehow lacking balance.
When Venus hits Pluto, it’s her darkest point. What I am feeling is that, Venus and Pluto are representing all the rejection. All the times things didn’t work out has expected. All the times you had to face yourself. All the jealousy, perhaps even obsession and you’re asking yourself, “For what? Why am I doing this?”
Enter Jupiter, whose Sabian is “After the storms of winter, a boat landing stands in need of reconstructing.” The storm as passed. It did some damage but it can be repaired. Your relationship with your twin flame can be repaired. It can be made better, stronger. It’s a time of healing but you need to work with the energy. Don’t be complacent. Work through your feelings. Use Pluto’s energy to get to the core of the issue. To see what was hidden so you can bring it out of the shadow and heal it.
Jupiter is in Libra. He wants to bring you the relationship you deserve. He wants you to have faith that divine partnerships are possible. That all was not in vain. Jupiter’s message is, be glad for the storm, be glad for the deconstruction you have gone through. Things have been taken right down to the foundation. Now, you can build exactly what you desire and nothing is in the way.
Marla xx
*Sabian symbol information from 360 Degrees of Wisdom by Lynda Hill