Astrology Charts
I will email your personalized reading as a private video.
Please email the DATE with month spelled out, day and year, TIME, CITY and COUNTRY of your birth to twinstrology@yahoo.com. You are responsible to get your information to me. Please email it to Twinstrology@yahoo.com rather than trying to connect with me on social media. If you send me an email and do not get a response within three days, please try again as it may have been lost. Thank you!
***Please note: I am currently booked 4-5 weeks out. Readings are done in the order they are received. Thank you.***
Intuitive Birth Chart Reading
Your birth chart is a snapshot of the universe at the time of your birth. It is through this chart that I will tap into your soul vibrations and do an intuitive reading for you. This reading is not your typical astrology reading but a spiritual message channeled for you through my higher self. Typically, these readings touch on life lessons, karmic patterns, past life issues and life purpose but because they are channeled each one is unique and tailored to what information needs to come through for you. These readings will help you understand your path and where you are on it. Soul readings are approximately one hour long and are recorded as a private video. I will then email the link to you. You will have the reading to listen to as many times as you like. Please email your birth date, time and place to Twinstrology@yahoo.com
COMBO: Intuitive Birth Chart and Sacred Union Tarot Reading
Order the intuitive birth chart reading (see description above) AND a Sacred Union tarot reading and save $32 off the regular price.
Partnership Chart Readings for Twin Flames and Soul Mates
These readings are a comparison of your birth chart with your partners birth chart. Through your astrology charts I can tap into your soul vibration and channel information to assist you in understanding yourself, your partner and the dynamics between you. These are not your typical astrology readings but as with my soul readings, are spiritual in nature and geared for those on the ascension path. Typically, these readings touch on soul wounds, life lessons and karmic patterns as they relate to being in relationship with another as well as how can you help each other grow. Understanding the souls journey helps foster compassion for each other. These are channeled readings so each one is unique and geared towards what information is most helpful to you at the time. Partnership readings are approximately one hour long and recorded as a private video. I will email you the link to the video and you will be able to watch as many times as you like. Please email the birth date, time and place for you and your partner to Twinstrology@yahoo.com. If you do not know your partners birth time, I can still conduct a reading but I will not have Ascendant, House system or exact Moon placement. (This reading works for children, parents and friends, too.)
COMBO: Partnership Chart Reading and Sacred Union Tarot
Order the partnership chart reading (see description above) AND a Sacred Union tarot reading and save $32 off the regular price.
Event Chart
Is there a date that is special to you or an important upcoming event? This is a fun reading where we will make a chart for an event and than compare it to natal charts to see how fated that date is. This can be done for an individual and a couple. This is a great reading for twin flames or soul mates who want to see how the stars were aligned the day they met or what will be happening astrologically on the date of their upcoming reconnection. Readings are approximately 60 minutes.
Are you a walk-in or soul exchange? If you have a date when you believe your soul exchange occured, we can look at the astrology behind it. Who are you compared with who you were before and what are the connections between the two souls. Each case is different, contact me to see if you are a candidate for this reading.
After paying for your reading, please send the appropriate birth information to:
twinstrology@yahoo.com or use my Contact Form.
Please include the birthdate, time and place for all parties. While I can work around exact birth time for one individual, please understand that without exact time, we will not have Ascendant, house placements or exact Moon degree.
I cannot be responsible if you do not email all necessary information in a timely manner.