Divine feminine, it’s so important to BELIEVE in your unions, your divine masculine and the power you hold has a creator right now. Twin flames have been anchoring a lot of light not only during this Lion’s Gate but since the Summer Solstice. When this kind of work is happening it can disrupt shadow aspects and bring up triggers for healing.
The divine masculine is awakening to the connection exponentially. Yet they are still in the position of heavy clearing. That means they may feel confusion or be unsure about their next step. They are working on discovering their own patterns and that can be difficult. Many are still learning to trust in the connection and what they feel in their hearts.
As the divine feminine, the masculine looks to you for intuitive assurance and love. When I say that I mean both within and without. They are connecting with their inner divine feminine which is externally embodied by you. If you are unsure or lack faith, that can be felt by them.
The divine feminine is the activating force behind the manifestation of union and that can lose steam if they tend to go back and forth. When you anchor this unshakable faith it pulls your twin flame into alignment with you.
Any triggers are there to advance your healing around manifestation. Your ego wants to believe everything is healed while there can still be subconscious patterns negatively impacting that which you want to manifest. So don’t resist but embrace what you are shown and let the healing remove any doubts you may still have about being worthy of the deepest love.
The more you trust the process, the more you are willing to release fear and take a risk, the faster everything will manifest. Every twin flame has had to work on releasing doubts about a connection that seems to flounder in 3D and that’s been an important part of the process of shifting from 3D to 5D frequencies. This summer is finally activating a release of old doubts that’s going to create new alignments through fall and winter.
August 20, 2020
3 Comments on “Believe”
Thank you, Marla. Your work and support have been priceless during this time. I rarely visit your website but it’s no coincidence that I was led here today to read this message. Peace and blessings!
Thank you! I’m glad it resonated.
Love this – it very much resonates for me. Thank you!