Bitter-Sweet Separation


We don’t need to be separated
This life is our chance for freedom
The sweet escape
The reward for all the rest

How ironic that after all the pain
The lifetimes of sacrifice
That this ache is what appears normal
Like a comfortable old shoe

The crushing pain in the chest
Like the embrace of a long lost friend
Triggers the ancient memories
Of true loves bitter-sweet bliss

Followed by the ancient fears
Of losses too painful to bear
Pulled apart by family greed
Or moralities heavy hand

Or worst still, the cogs of war
That ever seem to churn
This is the worse type of hell
It allows the mind no rest

A warrior at heart
Much to fierce to tame
I’ve grown used to taking second place
To your honor and your causes

You see, it’s really no wonder
Having been through all these things
What once was bitter pain
The mind has twisted to sweetness

Its harder now to release the pain
And let the soul be free
Now we must unravel the subconscious
That clings to loves bitter-sweet agonies

Though there are still wars to wage
These battles are within
To overcome what’s been ingrained
Reevaluate where honor and loyalty belong

The fears that surface now
Are the bitter-sweet ones of old
Will I see you returning home
Or once again face life alone

Let’s set down the pain and fear
Confront the dark recesses
Where ghosts of the past
Control too much of the present

I will release my fears
That you will never return to me
You will remember your sacred vow
At last, I’m the cause you fight for

It’s our choice, we can end the separation
Finally, we can have some rest
To allow ourselves to experience
Loves bitter-sweet sacred bliss

Written by Marla C. Kelly

All Rights Reserved

Painting by J.W. Waterhouse

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