Here are the energies for the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius which occurs on February 15. This will be a very powerful new moon to help usher in new beginnings. There is a need for you to face some sort of limitation and see that it is really generated by your own fears. They may have to do with fears you have about communicating with someone or asking for help. Many of you have been carrying a heavy load and can no longer bear the burden. It’s alright to ask for assistance, in fact, it will have a much better outcome than you think. It’s still a time of rest and gestation, especially this month has we move through a purification process. Some may have physical symptoms related to high frequency energy. Come out of your shells and speak your truth! There will be messages whether they come from a partner, friend, random strangers, your higher self to the universe, so pay attention to all forms of communication, including dreams.
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