Pick a card to find out how they feel about you and your connection.
Card 1: 00:30
Card 2: 21:00
Card 3: 41:37
Reiki Classes in May: https://twinstrology.com/online-reiki…
Recommended video: “Let’s Both Stop Running Away” TF Reading https://youtu.be/dzlh3-p3Q7k
The iN2IT Twin Flame Oracle by Marla is now available for pre-order: https://twinflames.in2itoracle.com This deck was designed specifically for twin flames, soul mates, divine counterparts or anyone that would like to attract a high vibrational relationship. This 122 card deck is organized into 11 suits of 11 cards plus a bonus UNION card.♥️♾?More details in this video: https://youtu.be/d0WqV0ABsto
Thanks for watching!