Mars Rx and Lilith: Healing Twin Flame Communication

At the Equinox there is an activation occurring with a conjunction between Mars Rx and Lilith. This is part of the universe’ plan to heal twin flame communication. This activation will be in effect through Mercury Rx in October/November and Mars final pass over Lilith in January/February 2021. Time to get rid of old programs that one is better than the other and return to equality so that each side can consciously hear the other.

#twinflames #twinflamehealing #Twinstrology #woundedfeminine #woundedmasculine #equality #union #onelove

2 Comments on “Mars Rx and Lilith: Healing Twin Flame Communication”

  1. Marla, coincidentally, on the Equinox, I sent a birthday card to my Twin Flame… my first communication to him in 5 years! I feel like it’s opened a physical universe connection between us. Its ok if I don’t hear back, but it’s also ok if I do. Thank you for your post today. ☺

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