April promises to be an exciting month of shifts and the New Moon in Aries, the first New Moon of the astrological New Year, is all about your thoughts manifesting! As such, keep your thoughts clear! Today, April 2nd, Mars and Saturn make their exact conjunction. It’s been tough energy of clearing at the Libra full moon and continuing in the early part of the month. You are freeing yourself for the important shifts ahead so don’t get discouraged. I feel that the Aries New Moon on April 15th, conjunct Uranus, will be creating a huge shift in our ascension process and our ability to manifest our realities, as well as bringing us more fully into our authentic selves. This Easter time is reminding us about transformation and ascension. (Sorry I got my Easter dates mixed up, lol.)
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3 Comments on “New Realities Are Being Birthed! Early April and Aries New Moon”
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so spot on and being a Aries,I can feel it and yes I am buckled up!
Love & Light Marla xx <3 thank you