SRT Sessions

I am pleased to announce that I am now doing sessions using Spiritual Response Therapy. SRT was developed by the late Robert Detzler in the 1980’s and 1990’s. It’s a system that uses charts and a pendulum to clear programs and other blocks. Through these detailed charts I can research the subconscious mind and soul records. This may take me into your current life, past lives, parallel lives or soul level consciousness in order to find how your programs, beliefs and judgments are adversely effecting your emotional, mental or physical bodies, inner child, relationships, purpose, finances, family life or spiritual growth. It’s an extremely broad system and that is what makes it so transformational. I’ve seen this first hand by implementing SRT in my own life. It’s been so supportive of my journey I trained to complete an Advance Level certification in it.

If you are interested in having your own SRT clearing with me there are three options to choose from.

One hour live Zoom or phone sessions are $150 US. Please email me at to make an appoint.

One hour Distance SRT sessions are $99 US. These sessions will be conducted without you present. I will video the session and email it to you. Use the link below to order but PLEASE EMAIL ME at after ordering to make contact with me and discuss what will be cleared. I am not responsible if I do not hear from you. Turnaround time for Distance sessions vary depending on orders but it is usually 2-3 weeks.

Two hour combo sessions are $222 US. I will conduct a one hour distance sessions, send you the recording, and then follow up with a live one hour Zoom or phone call with you. Use the link below to order but PLEASE EMAIL me at after ordering to make contact and clarify what you would like to clear on. Turnaround times vary depending on orders but it is usually 2-3 weeks. After receiving your recording, we will schedule the follow up Zoom call. It is best to leave 1-2 weeks minimum in between to process the clearing. I am not responsible if I do not hear from you by email.

To make an appointment or get on my sessions list, please message me through my contact form below or email me at

You can search SRT on my website in order to find free collective clearing sessions and find out what SRT is like.

I look forward to working with you. Many blessings!

13 Comments on “SRT Sessions”

  1. Dear Marla,

    I am keen on your one hour distant SRT session since I am India based. Also sending you an email.


  2. Hi Marla I would like to learn this modality do you teach it or where would I go to do it?
    Much love

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