Message from Lilith: It’s Time to Heal Separation (Part 1)

This is information I received through a channeling session with Lilith on August 31, 2018. Many of you are familiar with the myth of Lilith, how she was Adam’s first wife and was expelled from Eden because she wouldn’t submit to him. This is not the truth. Keep in mind, this myth is from the Jewish tradition. Before this, Lilith … Read More

Inner Balance

When you criticize your masculine twin flame for being hurtful, angry, stubborn and limited, when you believe they have abandoned you, when you say there is no hope of union because it is impossible for your twin flame to evolve, you are really saying that your own inner masculine energy is that. Take a closer look at yourself when this … Read More

5-5-11 (2+0+1+8=11) Constructing New Timelines

For the DF in all of us, both males and females: There is a message from Kali today, 5-5-11, about changes. This card shows Kali after the earthquake of destruction she has wrought. Nothing is left standing in her wake. Everything has/will be razed to the ground. This signifies the collapse of the old timelines. This can feel strange because … Read More