The full moon eclipse occurs on 4 degrees Aries, with the Sun at 4 degrees Libra. Aries is the self, ruler of the first house and Libra is the other, ruler of the seventh house. Aries is ruled by Mars and Libra by Venus. The Aries/Libra axis is helping us balance our needs with the needs of the other. Caring for ourselves while not being selfish, giving to the other without losing who we are and what we need. Twin flames are ending the co-dependent relationship. This is the culmination of all we have been working on since the North Node entered Libra on February 19, 2014. Venus and Mars, their rulers, are making their three conjunctions this year which is balancing the masculine and feminine and helping to bring them together in harmony. They make their last conjunction on November 3rd in the grounded and dedicated sign of Virgo. Nine days later, the North Node enters Virgo and we will be ready to take all we have learned about relationships and put it into practice.
The eclipse has some wonderful Sabian symbols associated with it that relate to the Ascension and awakening energies. The Moon is on “A white triangle is seen; It has golden wings.” First, we have the triangle, three sides, the trinity, twin flames and their joint higher self. A white triangle with wings could be an angel or butterfly. We get the impression of flying, elevation and ascending. The colors white and gold speak of purity and love. The Sun is on the Sabian, “A man teaching the true inner knowledge of the New World to his students.” Some interesting images here. True inner knowledge is esoteric knowledge being brought out into the open. A New World has been born. It’s being predicted that many Blue Ray Twin Flames will be reunited with this eclipse. The Blue Rays are the teachers and we are indeed here to impart this knowledge once again as Gaia ascends and more people are awakened. Both of these are incredible lovely images and bode well for the energies around this eclipse.
I’m not going to spend too much time going over the planetary aspects. This have been talked about rather extensively by other astrologers. There is a real sense of newness in the air though, with Jupiter, Saturn and Mars recently changing signs. Venus will follow shortly, moving out of her retrograde shadow when she moves into Virgo. Juno recently went into Libra. Pluto going direct right before the eclipse. Lots of new energy being infused in the second half of the year. What I do with the Asteroid Oracle is use small asteroid placements to give me messages from spirit, similar to how one uses Tarot cards and that is what I want to focus on here.
The asteroids are making many interesting aspects with this eclipse. Asteroid Karma is at 21 Aries conjunct Uranus and trine Venus in Leo and Pallas in Sagittarius. Sudden changes, shocks and revelations regarding our patterns in love, specifically dealing with karmic relationships and situations stemming from previous karma. Karma is also square the soulmate asteroid pair Thisbe and Pyramus in Cancer. These two asteroids have been conjunct since the solar eclipse on the 13th and I wrote about them then. They are an early Babylonian version of Romeo and Juliet and were blocked from marriage because their families didn’t get along. Some twins might be dealing with family karma, especially situations in which family is blocking reunion or feelings around not wanting to disappoint family with the difficult choices that are needing to be made.
The Moon is conjunct Vesta and that is opposite to the Sun, Black Moon Lilith and Juno. Yes, we are being given a new beginning is relationships and the first question is who do you want to partner with? Is it someone you are devoted too? Someone who makes you feel as if you are home? Is it someone who you can be yourself with even in your darkness? Someone who is your equal? Black Moon Lilith conjunct Juno in Libra demands equity and balance. Black Moon Lilith oppose Vesta can be spiritual awakenings, too.
Asteroids Eros, Kama and Logos are conjunct the North Node. Kama is a Hindu god like Eros who also pierces hearts with bows and arrows causing love and sexual attraction. Christ consciousness (Logos) is our mission (North Node) and we get there through love (Eros and Kama). As twins, the primary way we achieve Christ consciousness through the love we have for our twin flame. The Roman version of Eros, Cupid is still square his soulmate Psyche. This was another aspect from the solar eclipse on the 13th. We are still being called to trust that all the obstacles will be overcome.
The main message for twin flames I was given involves the asteroids Orpheus and Eurydice. First, I need to explain the myth. Orpheus was the son of Apollo and had the most bewitching voice. It was said he could charm the animals and tree’s with his beautiful songs and lyre playing. He fell in love with a wood nymph named Eurydice. They were married. One day when Eurydice was out in the forest she was attacked and in her haste to get away, trod on a viper and died. Orpheus was heartbroken but devised a plan to get her back. He journeyed down into the underworld to get her. His voice bewitched them all including Hades and Persephone. Hades was moved to tears and agreed Orpheus could have Eurydice back on one condition. She was to follow him out and he was not to look back at her for any reason until she was out in the sunlight otherwise she would be sent right back into the underworld. Orpheus began to worry that he couldn’t hear Eurydice step and thinking the gods had tricked him, turned around and lost Eurydice forever.
Orpheus is in Scorpio, the underworld, opposite Eurydice in Taurus. Twins it is the time to trust. If on September 27th you aren’t magically transported into union, do not give up. Do not turn around. We must trust they are right behind us and keep going. When we are all out into the light, then all will be reunited. This aspect is being emphasized by a conjunction to asteroid Destinn and a square from asteroid Excalibur (ones mission) in Leo. This is the mission we all agreed to. To learn trust. To learn patience. You are the one pulling your twin up out of Hades right now with your faith. If you are quiet you will be able to sense they are right there. Spend time meditating and connecting with them this week. Do not fall into the trap of fear and distrust. Stay in love and draw them out of the shadows.
Mars is squaring Saturn at the time of the eclipse. This is a block. When Mars and Saturn square, this is like having one foot on the gas the other on the brake. Mars wants to go get it and Saturn says, “Not so fast. We need to make sure you have done all the work first. Is it on your path or is it a distraction?” This is a common aspect to see in relationship charts of twin flames because we have to earn the privilege to be with them and vice versa, as well as divine timing. I talked about this in my latest video and the cards have shown me in the past few weeks that we still have one challenge to overcome. Remember Cupid and Psyche, obstacles will be removed but we need to stay in faith, Orpheus and Eurydice. I feel it will take a few weeks to really get the ball rolling as far as twins coming together. No one should feel discouraged though. Things are moving behind the scenes. These are very exciting times we are living through stay in your heart centers and enjoy it!
By Marla Kelly @ Eclipse Astrology and Twinstrology 9/21/15