The last few days I have been getting the message BALANCE. This is a key to the twin flame dynamic and why I wrote my last post about “Triggered to Find Your Power.” When twin flames come together, it is the feminine energy that must find their balance first. The masculine is going to trigger you all over the place. … Read More
Asteroid Oracle: Jupiter Rx Update and Venus Out of Shadow
This message will resonate with some of you that have your twin flame choosing to stay in their karmic relationships. This Jupiter Rx is having everyone review their partnerships and it was really intense with Venus Rx at the same time. When planets are retrograde they focus their energy internally. This caused everyone to do some serious thinking. For many … Read More
A channeled Message for Twin Flames as Venus Stations Direct
Venus Retrograde 2017 is a transit that you will likely remember for a long time. It’s been a rough few weeks of taking a serious look at our past relationships. Venus official moves forward tomorrow but today she is stopped in the sky, conjunct Chiron, trine Vesta and square Saturn, who is also at a standstill. This is making the … Read More