Asteroid Oracle: Chiron and Union and What’s Ahead

Today, Chiron meets up with both the Moon and asteroid Union. This is very significant because it is bringing new energy and healing for twin flame unions. Chiron is the place in our chart that connects us to our other dimensional selves or you in another timeline. It’s the place were things converge. This is representing that some elements of … Read More

Channeled Message from Chiron About Heart Break

Channeled on July 29, 2017 when Venus was square Chiron Yes, it hurts. Sometimes it’s agony. Suddenly you remember something said to you. Though it was said so casually the words stick in your mind and the barbs stick in your heart. You remember the time you felt rejected. You love someone so much but they choose to be with … Read More

Asteroid Oracle June 1, 2017

Normally when I do these updates, I list the aspect that I am focusing on in the title but today, and into this weekend, is the the energy of what I call a cluster f*ck. To be specific, a cluster f*ck is when we have many planets and points aspecting each other in the chart. We have Venus and Uranus … Read More

Asteroid Oracle Mars square Saturn January 18, 2017

On the heals of a very powerful full moon in Cancer, we have Mars conjunct Chiron and squaring Saturn.  When Mars aspects Saturn, we get a karmic block.  For many twin flames, you are going to feel like a door is being slammed closed.  You thought you were making progress, then it appears as thought the universe is taking it … Read More

Pisces Full Moon Eclipse: Releasing Past Life Karma

Full moons are important periods of release. Since the moon is at its brightest phase, it illuminates something that is no longer serving a purpose. This could be a behavior, belief, person or situation. Eclipses are 3X’s more powerful than a normal full moon, so this is a great time to celebrate the ending or culmination of some aspect in … Read More