A Message from Metatron on Co-Creating Your Reality

First and foremost, you are here to ascend, this is more important than union and the primary focus of your journey. Now, ascending means being able to access multiple dimensions and becoming the co-creator that you were born to be. You are relearning that you are not a victim of your circumstances but must rise above them in order to … Read More

Moving Past 3D Verification

One of the most difficult parts of the twin flame journey is having no 3d verification for anything you are being shown from your intuition. Often, those with the highest calling have the least amount of physical confirmation. Why is that? It is the very lack of 3d confirmation that pushes you deeper into your heart, which in turn connects … Read More

The Phoenix Rises

This is a message for those twins that resonate with surrender being the central focus of their current path. This is a big week astrologically. Today Venus conjuncts the North Node on the 23 degree of Leo and they sextile Jupiter and both inconjunct Chiron. This is called a yod or finger of god aspect. This is energy meant to … Read More

All That Is Left Is Surrender

The divine masculine is going through their healing process and the feminine must surrender to that. There is nothing the feminine can say or do that will shift the masculine at this time. It’s their journey and they have to walk this path alone. Twin flames do not rescue each other because they are not codependent. The more the feminine … Read More

Channeled Message from Chiron About Heart Break

Channeled on July 29, 2017 when Venus was square Chiron Yes, it hurts. Sometimes it’s agony. Suddenly you remember something said to you. Though it was said so casually the words stick in your mind and the barbs stick in your heart. You remember the time you felt rejected. You love someone so much but they choose to be with … Read More

Why Letting Go Is Unconditional Love

Many say they love their twin flame unconditionally. The majority of people don’t believe in unconditional love. The closest thing we can experience to it is the love of parent and child but even this usually falls short. Especially as we get older, the expectations between parent and child grow. Whenever expectations exist, love is not truly unconditional. If your … Read More

When Your Connection is Painful….

As Venus starts her retrograde, I feel compelled to bring up the topic of soul connections and feeling pain related to them. When we feel pain, whether it’s from our twin flame, false twin, soul mate or karmic partner, we are really being shown where we have a weak spot. We are being shown where we are giving our power … Read More