Isis and Osiris Conjunction Fall 2018: Return to Oneness

This fall sees a conjunction or union of the asteroids Isis and Osiris. Currently, they are around 5 degrees apart yet their energy is being felt already as we continue to shift from separation to union consciousness through the healing and balancing of our inner divine feminine (Isis) and divine masculine (Osiris). Isis and Osiris are twin flames which is … Read More

Asteroid Oracle: Chiron and Union and What’s Ahead

Today, Chiron meets up with both the Moon and asteroid Union. This is very significant because it is bringing new energy and healing for twin flame unions. Chiron is the place in our chart that connects us to our other dimensional selves or you in another timeline. It’s the place were things converge. This is representing that some elements of … Read More

Eros and Psyche Conjunction August 10, 2017

Three days after the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, on August 10, the asteroids Eros and Psyche form a conjunction at 26 Virgo. The last time they met up was over two years ago. In order to understand how this is affecting twin flames, we need to look at the mythology of this twin flame couple whose names joined literally mean … Read More

Asteroid Oracle June 1, 2017

Normally when I do these updates, I list the aspect that I am focusing on in the title but today, and into this weekend, is the the energy of what I call a cluster f*ck. To be specific, a cluster f*ck is when we have many planets and points aspecting each other in the chart. We have Venus and Uranus … Read More

Asteroid Oracle: Pluto Stations Retrograde and Karma Goes Direct

There is so much going on in the sky right now. Everyone is going through a major transformation so be patient with yourself and with others right now. The message for us all is to just relax. The energy is very intense. All that needs to be done is rest and reflect. Mercury is retrograde remember? Divine timing is at … Read More

Asteroid Oracle: Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius

For a long time we have been wanting change, action. All last year we worked towards getting ready for these changes and now with the eclipse portal open, change is upon us. This energy is getting boosted by Black Moon Lilith, who recently entered Sagittarius and is currently squaring the Moon’s Nodes. In Jewish mythology, Lilith was Adam’s first wife, … Read More

Asteroid Oracle Mars square Saturn January 18, 2017

On the heals of a very powerful full moon in Cancer, we have Mars conjunct Chiron and squaring Saturn.  When Mars aspects Saturn, we get a karmic block.  For many twin flames, you are going to feel like a door is being slammed closed.  You thought you were making progress, then it appears as thought the universe is taking it … Read More

Asteroid Oracle November 22-28, 2016

November and December see many illusions falling from your eyes. There is a push to get to the truth but it isn’t going to be easy. The week of November 22-28, looks challenging in that there will be confrontation with fears, yet your faith is restored. Mercury conjuncts Saturn and sextile Jupiter, while at the same time, Venus conjuncts Pluto … Read More

Asteroid Oracle November 4, 2016

Venus square Chiron and trine Uranus Venus makes two important aspects today. First, she squares Chiron. Chiron represents the soul wounds that we carry from incarnation to incarnation. This wound is what we are healing in order to move into unconditional love. Venus in hard aspect to Chiron is bringing up what you need to release in order to reach … Read More

Saturn Square the Nodes

Asteroid Oracle 10-10-16 This year is very challenging as we deal with clearing out old karmic patterns. Things have only been intensifying the last week. You may have felt a lot of painful, dark night of the soul energy. We had the full moon eclipse on Chiron last month and currently we have Saturn, the planet of karma, squaring the … Read More