A follow up on some information I shared in the video for the Equinox and Libra Full Moon regarding emotional flashbacks that can related to Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, including past life trauma. My friend Teresa Blackburn, LPC, joins me to help with the more clinical information. Teresa is a Licensed Professional Counselor who incorporates holistic methods into her healing work such as Reiki, Emotion Code and EFT.
You can connect with Teresa on her website: https://reikitherapypittsburgh.com or teresaeb34@gmail.com
The 6 Questions Teresa mentioned: 1. What am I feeling? 2. What am I feeling in my body? 3. What experience does this remind me of? 4. What am I believing about myself? 5. What has this experience have to teach me? 6. If this experience were to never change, what would I need to do in order to regain or maintain peace?
For more information on Richard Grannon’s Free Emotional Literacy Course, here is the first video which will take you to his channel for this issue: https://youtu.be/hG-frPf8Iq8
You can also go to his website to download a free Ebook on Emotional Flashbacks https://spartanlifecoach.com
The book I mentioned that is often referenced is: Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving: A Guide and Map for Recovering from Childhood Trauma by Pete Walker
Follow me on Instagram for daily 1 minute Pick A card readings http://www.Instagram.com/MarlaKelly13 (Please note there is someone else on Instagram calling themselves Twinstrology who is not me and has no affiliation with me.)
The Kickstarter for iN2iT Twin Flame Oracle ends on April 1st. To Take advantage of the lowest pricing this deck will be available at, click here: https://social.in2itoracle.com/G7Qj6c6P
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