Reiki Level I
May 8, 2021
10 am-6:30 pm EST
$200 (Sign up for Reiki II on May 15 and get both for $360.)
You will learn:
*What reiki is.
*The history of reiki.
*Ocean of Holy Love Experience
*Level I Placement
*Giving reiki to self and others
*Scanning the body
*A digital copy of Reiki: The Healing Touch manual.
*Certificate of completion.
Reiki Level II
May 15, 2021
10 am-6:30 pm EST
You will learn:
*The first 3 reiki symbols and how to use them.
*Level II Placement
*Holy Love Experience
*Practice the different ways of giving reiki treatments.
*A digital copy of Reiki: The Healing Touch manual.
*Certificate of Completion
Use my contact form or email me at for more information or to reserve your space.
2 Comments on “Online Reiki Classes For May”
Yay! Been called to start giving in person reiki classes now that our state is at nearly 100 percent capacity
Good! My people aren’t local so easier for me to do online.